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Release Date 10-31-2023

Thank you for your interest in working with Kasprzycki Designs, Inc.  We look forward  to working with you as we design your new home.  Please reach out if you have any questions: 808.667.6116 or





Our mission is to provide our community with exceptional designs that are affordable and efficient to build, meet the needs of individual families, and collectively reflect the original charm and character of old Lahaina.   In addition we will be providing support with building permit application and processing.  We will be providing these services at no cost.  We hope that the money saved on architectural plans and permitting services can be used toward the cost of rebuilding your home.  



II. ELIGIBILITY:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Ho'ōla Lahaina Project goal is specifically to support long term housing for Maui families and residents.  Therefore:

1. You are eligible to take part in the project if the home that was destroyed by the 2023 Lahaina Fire meets either of the following criteria:

     A. The home will be your primary residence

     B. The home will be a long term home for a Maui resident

2. The following criteria excludes you from eligibility to take part in this project:​

     A. The home will be a Short-Term Rental

     B. The home is part of a condominium complex

III. PROPERTY OWNER ACTION STEPS:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

  1. If you are eligible to participate in the Ho'ōla Lahaina Project please read the rest of this information sheet to ensure you understand the details of the Ho'ōla Lahaina Project.

  2. Talk to a licensed General Contractor to confirm current construction costs so that you can determine the appropriate square footage of your new home based on your budget.  For more details see section IV. QUESTIONS TO ASK GENERAL CONTRACTOR - DETERMINING CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND DWELLING SIZE

  3. After you have spoken with a licensed General Contractor please complete and return the Ho'ōla Lahaina Project Program Form to us. 

  4. We recommend that you talk with the US Army Corps of Engineers to determine the extent of demolition work planned for your property and advise us of the details.  Will they only be removing the foundation of the home, or will they also be removing other improvements on site including driveways, privacy & retaining walls, etc.



IV. QUESTIONS FOR GENERAL CONTRACTOR - CONSTRUCTION COSTS AND DWELLING SIZE:                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Depending on the General Contractor (GC) you speak with you may get different answers related to construction costs.  This can lead to confusion and make it difficult to determine what size home you can build based on your budget.  


We have included commentary below to help you better understand the the major cost components of a preliminary construction budget.  We also have included some questions for you to ask the GC so that you can determine a preliminary construction budget and Total Building Area square footage (SF) for your project: 


     1. Site Development Cost 

Site development costs include all work on the site excluding the cost of the structure.  Examples of site development costs include grading, retaining walls, utilities, driveways, and landscape.  Site development costs should be tailored to the specifics of the individual site.  Additional costs or budget numbers should be allocated to each component of the site development work.  


For those of you who have fairly flat properties with minimal to no sloping terrain and are building within the general footprint of your original home, the site development costs may be minimal in comparison to the cost of the structure.  This is also dependent upon how the US Army Corps of Engineers leaves your site when they are done with debris removal.  If the site is clean, free of debris and ready to build on, then there will be minimal site development costs to budget for. 


If your property has sloping terrain and/or you are not building within the general footprint of your original home, these costs will be more significant and need to be budgeted for.


For flat or sloping properties, if there is still additional demolition and/or cleanup work needed after the US Army Corps of Engineers leaves your site and/or utility related improvements are needed, these costs will be more significant and need to be budgeted for.   


We recommend discussing your existing site conditions with the GC, sharing any photos of the site prior to the fire and after the fire if possible, any plans for the original construction if available, and sharing a Google Map street view.  This will give the GC a basic overview of the site conditions.  Note that the GC will not be able to give you a specific budget for site development costs without new construction documents (plans).  Your goal is to get an estimated range of costs based on the GC's review of your site conditions and his/her past experience in construction.  Ask the GC the following question:



Based on the existing conditions of my property and related information I have shared,     including the description of the home(s) I want to build (describe the home(s) - including square footage if possible), can you please recommended a budget range I should plan for site development costs? 


     2. Dwelling Construction Cost

Total Building Area is the combined square footage of the living area, covered decks, and garage.  Although there are differences in the cost per square foot of living area, covered decks, and garages, we have found that higher costs-per-square foot areas within the living area, like kitchens and bathrooms, tend to balance out with the lower costs-per-square foot areas, like covered decks and garages.  

The goal is to get to a unit price per square foot of total building area. For the average project, working with a single unit price per square foot for the total building area is sufficient in accuracy for developing a preliminary budget for the structure (excluding site development costs).



Based on the following General Construction Methods and Materials can you recommend an average price per square foot of building area, exclude any site development costs, for a modest workforce home in Lahaina?

  • wood framed/wood truss roof framing

  • slab on grade or post and pier (depending on clients preferences and GC recommendations considering costs)

  • corrugated metal or 30 year composition shingle roof finish

  • James Hardie (or comparable) exterior wall finish

  • vinyl or composite insulated windows and exterior doors

  • basic paint grade interior millwork and finishes


     3. Total Construction Cost 

The site development costs are then combined with the cost of the structure to provide a preliminary estimate of what the total construction cost will be.  


     4. Contingency Budget

We also recommend that you include a contingency budget number for unforeseen changes or increases in cost.  A typical contingency budget number is somewhere around 5% of the total construction cost.  If there are no unforeseen changes or increases in cost during construction (unlikely) then you do not spend that additional 5%.  


     5. Determining Total Building Area per your Budget

Step 1: Multiply Total Budget Available by 0.95 (to account for 5% Contingency Budget) to determine Working Budget

Step 2: Subtract the Site Development Cost from your Working Budget  to determine Dwelling Construction Budget 

Step 3: Divide Dwelling Construction Budget by the Unit Price Per Square Foot (obtained from the GC) to determine Total Building Area allowed (based on your Total Budget Available)


Example:    $Total Budget Available x 0.95 = $Working Budget

                      $Working Budget - $Site Development Cost = $Dwelling Construction Budget 

                      $Dwelling Construction Budget /  $Unit Price / SF  =  Total Building Area SF 


     6. Determining Total Living Area 

Step 1:  Subtract the Garage SF  and the Covered Deck SF  from the Total Building Area  SF  to determine Total Living Area 


Example:    Total Building Area  SF- (Garage SF  + Covered Deck SF) =  Total Living Area SF


V. HOW THE HO’ŌLA LAHAINA PROJECT WORKS:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     We will carefully review the information provided in the Ho'ōla Lahaina Project Program Form and thoughtfully create client groups based on similarities including lot size and shape, dwelling size, single story or two story, bedroom & bathroom count, and other architectural features.  We will then work with our client groups to develop a design that meets the client group program requirements.  We will share our design iterations with the client group and update the design based on popular group feedback.  Once the design is approved by the majority of the client group we will complete the plans for the individuals within that client group.  


Prior to completing the plans for individual homeowners a Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Pro Bono Services  will need to be executed.  A sample copy of this agreement will be provided for your review. The agreement is necessary for professional liability insurance purposes. 


During the Construction Document Phase there will be an opportunity for individuals within each client group to personalize the architectural style of their home.  We will provide multiple exterior finish schemes for individuals to choose from.  The exterior finish schemes will have different options for roof finish, exterior wall finish, door and window styles and contain other design style specific detailing. Collectively these exterior finish schemes will reflect the original charm and character of old Lahaina. Mirrored plans will also be available.


VI. CONSTRUCTION PLANS TO BE PROVIDED:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           In an effort to help as many people as possible we will prepare basic construction documents that meet the minimum requirements for building permit application with the Development Services Administration Department of Public Works County of Maui. 


  • Title Sheet

  • General Notes

  • Site Plan

  • Floor Plan(s)

  • Reflected Ceiling Plan(s)

  • Roof Plan(s)

  • Exterior Elevations

  • Building and Wall Sections

  • Door and Window Schedules

  • Structural Notes

  • Foundation Plan

  • Floor Framing Plan(s) (when applicable)

  • Roof Framing Plan

  • Structural Details

  • Electrical and Lighting Plan(s)



Our firm will be providing architectural design services, construction documents (plans), and building permit application submittal & processing support at no cost to you. Depending on the specifics of your project and property there may be additional consultants required to successfully process your building permit application.  Any additional consultants needed will need to be paid for by the owner.


    • Surveyor:

      • All projects will require an accurate Site Survey Map for our use in preparing a site plan and completing the construction documents.  If your property is flat, with no sloping terrain, then a Site Survey Map may be sufficient. If your property is not flat, and has sloping terrain or elevation changes, then a Topographic Survey Map will likely be required.  If you already have a Site Survey Map or a Topographic Survey Map, or had one previously prepared, and can provide us with the CAD file and/or clean digital copy, or if you can direct us to the surveyor you worked with, we may be able to use the existing survey map.


    • Civil Engineer:

      • To provide an Individual Wastewater System Plan (IWS/Septic System Plan) triggered by projects with an existing cesspool that are required to upgrade to an Individual Wastewater System due to the following:

        • ​Hawaii State Department of Health requirement

        • Increased demand on system due to client program requirement​   

    • Civil Engineer: 

      • To provide inspection, recommended improvements and coordination with the Hawaii State Department of Health to repair an existing IWS damaged in the fire.

      • To provide a new or an additional IWS Plan due to client program requirements. Example: If you have a 3 bedroom IWS on site and you want to build a new 4 bedroom home you will be required to upgrade your IWS.  


Note 1: If you do not know whether or not your property is located in any of these special zones, that is    ok, we will be reviewing your property information and will contact you and let you know.

Note 2: The following consultants may be required for you project.  Depending on the specifics of each project there may be other consultants required beyond those listed below.

    • Surveyor:

      • To process a Shoreline Certification and/or Elevation Certificate

    • Geotechnical Engineer:

      • For Soils Report and support related to Flood Development Permit Applications

    • Private Planner: 

      • To process any SMA Major and similar or related applications required by the municipality

    • Archeologist: 

      • To prepare and Archeological Monitoring Plan and support with any SMA Major and similar or related applications



    • ​Depending on the conditions of your existing water service and/or new water usage demands, you may be required to improve you water service during the permitting process.

      • Example: water meter upgrade

    • Depending on the conditions of your existing sewer service, you may be required to improve your sewer service during the permitting process.

      • Example: add sewer cleanout at property line



    • Mechanical Engineer:

      • To provide fire sprinkler plans



    • Civil Engineer:

      • For homes on cesspool or Individual Wastewater Systems, with more than 5 bedroom like rooms planned, be aware that a Wastewater Treatment Works Plan will be required.  Please note that Wastewater Treatment Works systems are very costly to install and maintain.  Installation starts around $90,000 and maintenance (per DOH requirements) runs around $1,200+ per month.


VIII. PROJECT PHASES & PRELIMINARY TIMELINE:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Please note this is a preliminary timeline.  Durations of time may vary depending on how quickly we receive the completed Ho'ōla Lahaina Project Program Form  and subsequent feedback on our design submittals and requests for information. Each client group will likely move at a different pace through out the process.


For more information on the phases please see the following link:


  1. ENROLLMENT PHASE: October 1- 31, 2023

    • Call for interested eligible homeowners to participate in the program 

    • We may continue to accept additional homeowners into the  Ho'ōla Lahaina Project  beyond October 31, 2023.  Late enrollments will be added to the most appropriate client group at the time of enrollment.

    • Dissemination of Ho'ōla Lahaina Project Information Sheet and the Ho'ōla Lahaina Project Program Form to homeowners.

  1. PROGRAMMING PHASE: November 1 - 30, 2023 

    • Homeowners to review Ho'ōla Lahaina Project Information Sheet

    • Homeowners to talk with licensed General Contractors to determine cost of construction in support of completing the Ho'ōla Lahaina Project Program Form

    • Homeowners to complete and return the Ho'ōla Lahaina Project Program Form

    • As we receive the completed Ho'ōla Lahaina Project Program Form we will carefully review and organize the client groups. 

  1. SCHEMATIC DESIGN PHASE: Starting December 1, 2023 

    • Develop Schematic Floor Plan(s) for each client group

    • Provide Schematic Floor Plan(s) to each client group for review and comments

    • Receive comments from client groups on the Schematic Floor Plan(s)

    • Review and integrate comments based  on majority feedback and architect's recommendations

    • Provide Schematic Floor Plan(s) - Revision 1

    • Receive comments from client groups on the Schematic Floor Plan(s)

    • Review and integrate comments based on majority feedback and architect's recommendations

    • Provide Schematic Floor Plan(s) - Revision 2

    • Majority approval of the design will be required to transition to the Design Development Phase


    • Prepare 3D model and basic architectural drawings (Design Development Drawings) for each client group

    • Provide Design Development Drawings to each client group for review and comments

    • Receive comments from client groups on the Design Development Drawings 

    • Review and integrate comments based on majority feedback and architect's recommendations

    • Provide updated Design Development Drawings

    • Majority approval of the design will be required to transition to the Construction Document Phase


    • It is our understanding that the County and State are working towards developing special support and permitting for projects being reconstructed within the disaster zone.  Once the details of any special support and/or a special permitting process is made available to the public we will move forward with the Construction Document Phase.

    • Execute Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Pro Bono Services 

    • Complete Construction Documents (Plans)

    • Integrate exterior finish options for individuals within each client group

    • Coordinate with additional consultants if required


    • Until the details of any special support and/or a special permitting process is made available to the public we are going to assume average processing times for standard Building Permits, SMA, FDP, and HDX permits.  See below for average durations of time based on our experience:

    • Standard Building Permit processing ranges from 5 to 8 months.

    • SMA, FDP, HDX Permit processing can vary depending on the specifics of the property and project.  An average range for standard processing can be 9 to 18 months.

    • All permitting fees will need to be paid for by the owner.


Notice: This Information Sheet and any attachments are intended solely for existing or potential Ho’ōla Lahaina Project participants and should not be read or utilized by any other party. It contains confidential and privileged information.

In the aftermath of the 2023 Lahaina Fire we are here to offer hope and a path back home. 

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